Source code for compimg.exceptions

"""compimg exceptions module"""
import numpy as np

from typing import Sequence

[docs]class DifferentShapesError(Exception): def __init__(self, shape1: Sequence[int], shape2: Sequence[int]): super().__init__( f"Images have different shapes: {shape1} != {shape2}.")
[docs]class DifferentDTypesError(Exception): def __init__(self, dtype1: np.dtype, dtype2: np.dtype): super().__init__( f"Images have different dtypes: {} != {}.")
[docs]class NegativePadAmountError(Exception): def __init__(self, amount): super().__init__( f"Pad cannot be negative value like {amount}.")
[docs]class KernelBiggerThanImageError(Exception): def __init__(self, kernel_shape: Sequence[int], image_shape: Sequence[int]): super().__init__( f"\nKernel used in convolution must be bigger that image itself." f"Kernel shape = {kernel_shape}, Image shape = {image_shape}")
[docs]class KernelShapeNotOddError(Exception): def __init__(self, kernel_shape: Sequence[int]): super().__init__( f"\nKernel used in convolution must be of odd shape. " f"Kernel shape = {kernel_shape}, rows and columns must be odd.")
[docs]class KernelNot2DArray(Exception): def __init__(self, dims: int): super().__init__(f"\nKernel must be 2D numpy array, not {dims}D.")